Metal Detectors

We are offer an optimum quality range of ISD Metal Detectors which are manufactured using high grades of raw material.These include door frame metal detectors and hand held metal detectors. Designed using advanced sensor technology, these help in achieving maximum target discrimination.

Hand Held Metal Detectors01Hand Held Metal Detectors
We are engaged in offering high quality hand held metal detectors that are widely used for security purposes by our clients.Moroever, these hand held metal detectors are not suitable with safe inspection equipment to hike the proficiency of detecting.


Door Frame Metal Detectors01Door Frame Metal Detectors
We offer a very sensitive Door Frame Metal Detector that can immediately detect trespassers and defaulters. A Door Frame Metal Detector is a Designed Metal Detector where a person can easily walk through it with all levels of detection both ferrous and metals concealed on a person in any conceivable manner designed is made for quick installation and erection.