The Escape Smoke Hood is a Personals Protective Equipment which gives respiratory, head and eye protection against smoke and toxic gases. In fire Accidents, it is not fire but smoke which causes service loss of life. In particular, in modern buildings and industrial fires, the smoke contains toxic gases such as CO ( Carbon Monoxide). HCN (Hydrogen Cyanide), HCL (Hydrogen Chloride), C H O (Acrotein) etc. These toxic gases are deadly in nature and can cause: blistering. tissue death and infection. convulsions, nausea, shortness of breath, even death in minutes.
In every building there is a vulnerable group of people like OT Doctors, staff nurses, lab scientists, server rack operators, ERT members, process engineers, complex machine operators who need a little extra time to evacuate the building as they have to follow certain shut down procedures.
The Emergency Mask has a filtering mechanism which can filter toxic gases for a few minutes, and can give a person trapped in a fire accident, precious time of up to 15 minutes to escape safety from the building Hence it is a must for all office buildings, hospitals, industries, hotel, high rise buildings, shopping malls, school, colleges etc. Our escape smoke hood is CE approved, as per EN 403-2004 approval.